Set in a part of Tokyo that has descended into a quagmire, the story follows Unit 8 of the 5th Special Public Security Section's 3rd Mobile Assault Division, popularly called "The Eighth," who don powered armor "Willwear" exoskeletons to counter the rise in crime. (Source: ANN)
Türler | Comedy, Mecha, Sci-Fi, Police, |
Çıkış Tarihi | 11 Temmuz 2016 |
Süre | 24dk. |
Bölüm | 12 |
Aktörler | Kuroki, Takeru (Main), Sena, Souichirou (Main), A-ko (Supporting), Amano, Madoka (Supporting), Atin (Supporting), Edelman, Emilia (Supporting), |
Senaristler | - |
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