Di Gi Charat is a series of shorts created as advertisements for "Digital Gamers", a store in Akihabara. The series follows Dejiko, princess of Di Gi Charat planet, and her companions, Puchiko and Gema, as well as Dejiko's rival, Rabi~en~Rose through daily ordeals they encounter while working at Gamers. Princess Di Gi Charat came from the planet Di Gi Charat given only a cat cap and an outfit to disguise herself. Unfortunately she came with no money, only her guardian Gema and friend Petite Charat. Luckily the three stumbled upon a manager of the store Gamers, who offered them a home if they worked at the store. However Di Gi Charat is a selfish young girl who wishes of becoming a star. (Source: ANN)
Aktörler | Di Gi Charat (Main), Gema (Main), Petit Charat (Main), Usada, Hikaru (Main), Abarenbou (Supporting), Kimura, Takuro (Supporting), |
Senaristler | - |
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