The story of Gundam Build Fighters Try is set 7 years after the end of the 1st series. Now Seiho Academy's Gunpla Battle Club has only one member, Hoshino Fumina, who is a third grade student in junior high. As the president of the club, she needs two more members to participate in the upcoming All-Japan Gunpla Battle Championships. One day she encounters a transfer student named Kamiki Sekai, who has traveled around for Kenpo training with his master. Then joining by a young Gunpla builder Kousaka Yuuma, their challenge to the Gunpla Battle begins.... (Source: Crunchyroll)
Aktörler | Hoshino, Fumina (Main), Kamiki, Sekai (Main), Kousaka, Yuuma (Main), Adams, Allan (Supporting), Adou, Saga (Supporting), Inose, Junya (Supporting), |
Senaristler | - |
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