The story centers around a timid orphan named Mizumura Shinta who goes to a missionary school in Tokyo. His seemingly normal life changes when a beautiful half-human Romanian girl named Lilith suddenly transfers into his school. Mizumura discovers that he is actually a vampire hunter and the successor of the Romuald lineage.
Türler | Ecchi, Fantasy, School, Vampire, Supernatural, Seinen, |
Çıkış Tarihi | 21 Mart 2012 |
Süre | 30dk. |
Bölüm | 2 |
Aktörler | Kishimoto, Lilith (Main), Mizumura, Shinta (Main), Cammot (Supporting), Carmilla (Supporting), Makimura, Chizuru (Supporting), Shuttery, Plum (Supporting), |
Senaristler | - |
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