Nihon Animator Mihonichi is a collaborative series of standalone anime shorts with the support of various directors and studios. Aiming to expose new animators to a worldwide audience, these small works offer a glimpse into the future of the industry, featuring rising talents, cutting-edge techniques, and experimental aesthetic designs.
Türler | Action, Dementia, Ecchi, Fantasy, Mecha, Music, School, Sci-Fi, Space, Supernatural, Military, |
Çıkış Tarihi | 07 Kasım 2014 |
Süre | 8dk. |
Bölüm | 35 |
Aktörler | Bubu (Main), Bubulina (Main), Godou, Yotoshio (Main), Hana-chan (Main), Hinako (Main), Kishii, Nonoko (Main), |
Senaristler | - |
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