The official website of the The File of Young Kindaichi Returns anime announced that a one-hour special television episode of the anime titled "The File of Inspector Akechi" (Akechi Keibu no Jikenbo) will air on December 26. The site streamed a trailer on Sunday, which previews the episode and its story. The video also reveals that Yudai Chiba will play Ryūtaro Kobayashi, a junior detective under detective Kengo Akechi. (Source: ANN)
Aktörler | Akechi, Kengo (Main), Kijima, Youhei (Supporting), Kijima, Junichi (Supporting), Kindaichi, Hajime (Supporting), Kobayashi, Ryuutarou (Supporting), Nanase, Miyuki (Supporting), |
Senaristler | - |
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