The special's story centers on the kidnapping of Rebecca Rossellini, a beautiful business owner who is a featured character in the new Lupin III TV anime series that is currently airing. Upon hearing of her kidnapping, Lupin rushes to her rescue. Additionally, Lupin receives a written challenge from a mysterious person named "The Masked Count" suggesting a contest: who can obtain the "inheritance of Count Cagliostro" first.(Source: ANN)
Türler | Action, Adventure, Comedy, Seinen, |
Çıkış Tarihi | 08 Ocak 2016 |
Süre | 31dk. |
Bölüm | 1 |
Aktörler | Ishikawa XIII, Goemon (Main), Jigen, Daisuke (Main), Lupin III, Arsene (Main), Mine, Fujiko (Main), Zenigata, Kouichi (Main), Nix (Supporting), |
Senaristler | - |
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