In this prequel to the "X" TV series, a beautiful, young, bedridden dreamgazer named Kakyou remembers the life and death of a remarkable young woman whom he met in dreams. He also recounts his dreams of a tragic future in which the fate of the Earth will be decided.
Türler | Mystery, Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Supernatural, |
Çıkış Tarihi | 25 Ağustos 2001 |
Süre | 22dk. |
Bölüm | 1 |
Aktörler | Kuzuki, Kakyo (Main), Monou, Fuuma (Main), Shirou, Kamui (Main), Sumeragi, Hokuto (Main), Aoki, Seiichiro (Supporting), Arisugawa, Sorata (Supporting), |
Senaristler | - |
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