__Birthyear:__ 996 __Height:__ 170 cm Canute is the prince of the Danes. He is initially portrayed as timid and womanly, with a bishounen appearance and inability to function without his retainer [Ragnar](https://anilist.co/character/82533). These traits, along with his strong Christianity, earn him the mockery of the Vikings with whom he works. ~!After Ragnar's death, however, he has a sharp reversal of personality, becomes strong and kingly, and develops an ambition to create utopia on earth before God's return. Towards this end, he plots to overthrow his father [Sweyn Forkbeard](https://anilist.co/character/27957) and take the crown of the Danes. Canute is based on the historical King Canute the Great, the most prominent Danish ruler of England.!~